
Sustainable and responsible forest stewardship is much more than trees. West Fraser’s foresters and biologists work closely together to manage for many other attributes of a healthy forest. Within the lands the Company operates, there is a whole range of what we call "forest values" that must be considered. To name a few, that includes wildlife, fish, water, visual qualities (like scenery and unique places in the forest), wilderness recreation, hunting or trapping, and the effects of other industrial uses.

To be a responsible steward of the forest, we consider all these values and develop comprehensive plans to address them, implement these plans, and continue to monitor our progress. In several cases, West Fraser has deferred lands to support the habitats of species at risk.

West Fraser is an active participant in biodiversity conservation and protection. We maintain forest habitat within the natural variation produced by mother nature. That means supplying all-natural forest habitats in amounts and patterns similar to the effects of a natural disturbance, such as forest fires.

We also take additional steps to recover species at risk. We fund and actively support innovative research to continually improve our forestry practices, including the conservation of wildlife habitat. Read more about some examples of how West Fraser addresses the protection of caribou and grizzlies