West Fraser’s comprehensive forestry management planning practices are designed to meet and surpass certified sustainable forest management practices as well as rigorous provincial government regulations. These regulations govern areas such as reforestation, environmental protection, biodiversity conservation, and public involvement.
To maintain our license to harvest, the Company submits detailed forest management plans for government approval. They must be approved before any work can begin. These plans include details on harvesting as well as management of other values (such as scenic points, cultural sites, roads and habitat management) and reforestation activities.
These forestry management plans are how West Fraser ensures we’re following applicable regulations and standards. We want to know the best practices in our day-to-day operations are in line with the long-range objectives of sustainable forestry. Government and independent forest certification auditors review the Company’s actions to make sure West Fraser achieves the high standards of our planning documents.
West Fraser doesn’t conduct forest management activities in the United States. Our U.S. operations have access to approximately 20 per cent of their log requirements under specific long-term supply contracts, with the balance being purchased on the open market. In western Canada, the majority of West Fraser’s timber is sourced from publicly owned lands, and our right to harvest this timber is acquired through government granted licenses.