West Fraser manufactures Oriented Strand Board (OSB) for use in roofs, walls, and floor application. Our OSB products offer solutions that increase productivity on the jobsite and deliver building professionals the solutions they are looking for.
Solarbord® Radiant Barrier roof sheathing reduces the cost of heating and cooling a home. Using heat-reflecting foil laminated onto our OSB, Solarbord stops up to 97% of the sun’s radiant energy before it can penetrate the attic space. When you choose Solarbord, your attic can be up to 30 degrees cooler. A cooler attic means a cooler home.
West Fraser manufactures three brands of long length wall sheathing – TallWall®, Windstorm® and QuakeZone® that range in lengths from 97-1/8 to 145-1/8. When our longer length wall sheathing is oriented vertically, it beats blocking and the requirement of installing filler strips every time!
Durastrand® pointSIX® is our premium T&G sub-floor that features our patented taper on the 4-foot and 8-foot edges to combat edge swell. If the sub-floor is exposed to rain or humidity, the tapered edges can expand and become flush with the surface without ridging. The result—the sub-floor goes down flat and stays that way. Add in our 1-year no-sand guarantee and 50-year limited warranty and nothing can hold you back.
West Fraser manufactures engineered wood products serving a range of industrial purposes and requirements. Whatever the need, our industrial team applies industry-leading technology to manufacture panels to exacting specifications. Using the latest in strand and resin technology and our continuous press mill capabilities, we have the flexibility to customize specific properties, lengths, widths, thicknesses, and surface characteristics.