Managing a Working Forest

Like a smart long-term investment, good forest management is about protecting the balance and withdrawing only interest. The forest is the balance and forest growth each year is the interest. After accounting for natural disturbances (like wild fires), we harvest the remainder of the available annual growth.

Where we manage forestland, our operations are subject to regulation by federal, provincial, state and local environmental authorities, including industry-specific environmental regulations relating to air emissions and pollutants, wastewater (effluent) discharges, solid waste, landfill operations, forestry practices, site remediation and the protection of endangered species and critical habitat.

We collaborate with other industrial users to develop integrated land management strategies to address the collective industrial footprint on the landscape, through programs such as the Foothills Landscape Management Forum (FLMF). The Forum members were awarded with a  “Shared Footprints” Award from the Alberta Emerald Foundation for our collaborative efforts in Alberta's Berland Smoky region.

Integrated Land Management in Alberta's Berland Smoky Region


Forest Management Planning & Public Involvement

West Fraser’s comprehensive forestry management planning practices are designed to meet and surpass certified sustainable forest management practices as well as rigorous provincial government regulations. These regulations govern areas such as reforestation, environmental protection, biodiversity conservation and public involvement. Our plans are approved by government before harvesting begins. 

Our comprehensive forest management plans include strategies to address topics such as: 

SoilsVisual qualities
TimberWater and fish
Wildlife, habitats and biodiversityRecreation resources and tourism
Cultural heritage resourcesHunting, trapping and fishing
Roads and bridgesMeasures to mitigate loss of natural range barriers
Reduce introduction of invasive plantsConsultation with the public and Indigenous Peoples

Follow the links to learn more about West Fraser's Forest Management Planning and how the public and local communities are involved in our planning.