Management Approach

West Fraser Goals

What we achieve is important. How we achieve these results is just as critical to sustain and build on our Company culture and our values, and how our people define our success. West Fraser’s goals are to maintain: excellence in performance and people, leadership in our field, challenge and satisfaction, responsibility in the communities in which we work, profitability and growth.

Our Board, particularly the Environmental, Health & Safety Committee, together with our Executive and our Senior Leadership Team, set the policy and manage the practice of our environmental, social and governance activity within our business.




Sustainable Forestry & Responsible Fibre SourcingSustainably and responsibly manage forests entrusted to our forest management planning, including responsibly sourcing our fibre supply
Forest Renewal & Climate ChangeHow we contribute to renewing healthy, resilient forests through regeneration, reforestation and carbon sequestration
Wildlife, Habitat Management & BiodiversityHow we can accommodate plants, soils, and animals thriving in forest ecosystems
Working forest managementWorking collaboratively with stakeholders to sustain important social values in the forest (cultural, recreational, economic, ecologicall)


Worker SafetyProviding a safe workplace for employees, contractors and people at our operating sites
Employee EngagementEmployees engaged and passionate about our business and how they can contribute to performance improvement
Employee Development & Equal OpportunityBe a workplace that provides equal opportunities for advancement and develops employees to their potential


Economic PerformancePrudent balance sheet and attention to cost management throughout our business cycle
Business EthicsEnsure we engage in effective corporate practices, stewardship, ethical conduct, good governance and fair dealing


Water Use & EffluentsManage water resources responsibly
Air EmissionsManage air emissions and reduce pollutants emitted from our operations
Environmental PerformanceReduce and, where possible, eliminate waste or harmful effects our operations may have on the environment


Quality ManagementEmphasis on continual process improvements to improve the quality and efficiency of our products and our process
Reinvestment in the BusinessMaintain our facilities and performance through capital reinvestment and in employee training
Fibre Utilization & RecoveryExplore opportunities to fully utilize manufacturing residuals and recover energy from our operations
Waste ManagementReduce waste in our operations
Product QualityMaintain high standards for product safety and quality

Economic and business data has been provided according to West Fraser’s accounting standards and policies, as detailed in the Annual Report.

Policies & Commitments
West Fraser’s Code of Conduct sets the expected standard of conduct and approach to business practices required of our employees and officers to responsibly execute their work for the company. Other policies important to our operating approach include:

Monitoring and evaluation
Our Board, assisted by its Committees, is responsible for the company’s internal control and risk management systems. Our internal audit activities, management systems and compliance requirements for financial, fibre procurement, environmental, manufacturing and safety policy and procedure ensure appropriate control measures have been planned and are in place. Best practice information is also shared between operating sites. These practices and audited activities assist the Board of Directors and Senior Management to conduct the appropriate monitoring of company activity. Many aspects of our operating responsibilities are further monitored, inspected and audited by third-party organizations and government bodies.