All of the Company’s Canadian woodlands operations directly managed by West Fraser are independently certified to the Sustainable Forestry Initiative ®(SFI) fiber sourcing and forest management standards. SFI® is an internationally-recognized sustainable forest management certification program.
In 2006, West Fraser introduced the PEFC Chain of Custody that assures customers and other interested parties that the wood fibre in the supply chain used in the manufacturing process comes from sources that have a negligible risk of originating from controversial sources and comply with applicable laws, regulations, and sustainable resource standards. More information about West Fraser's certifications is available here.
Green Building & LEED Compliance
U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) has issued a LEED alternative compliance path (ACP) that recognizes wood and paper from the Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI®) Program as part of an integrated approach to encouraging environmentally responsible forest management and eliminating illegal wood from the building material’s supply chain. The ACP applies to all LEED v4 rating systems including Homes v4 and to all LEED 2009 rating systems.
ife cycle assessment (LCA) is a performance-based approach to assessing the impacts building material choices have on the environment. Access cradle-to-grave life cycle analysis for Canadian-produced Spruce-Pine-Fir (SPF) lumber from the Athena Sustainable Materials Institute.
SPF Environmental Product Declaration
EPDs are concise, standardized, independently verified reports on environmental performance. This EPD has been developed in compliance with ISO 14025 and ISO 21930, verified under UL Environment’s EPD program.
Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) for North American softwood lumber from the American Wood Council (AWC) and the Canadian Wood Council (CWC).
Technical Data Links
- Download the Wood Dust Material Safety Data Sheet