Landscape of mature and regenerating forests

100 Mile House 2017 Forest Stewardship Plans

Thompson Rivers Forest District

One Hundred Mile House Woodlands (OML) supplies logs to two sawmills, Chasm sawmill and 100 Mile Lumber. Thompson Rivers Forest Dristrict planning has subsequently been folded into the Cariboo Forest Stewardship Plan (FSP).

The folowing is provided for review purposes only - please see the Cariboo Forest Stewardship Plan (FSP) for current documents and planning related to the Thompson Rivers Forest Dristrict. 

An approved FSP guides the harvest of timber and construction of roads within a forest development unit (FDU). In addition to the objectives established by Government under the Forest and Range Practices Act, this FSP also addresses land use objectives established by order from the Kamloops LRMP.

The Forest Stewardship can be obtained for review from the following links:

The opportunity for public review and comment ran for a 60-day period ending October 26, 2017. 

 For further information, or to arrange to view the FSP at West Fraser’s office, please contact Rob Ballinger, RPF at 250-395-8246 or email: [email protected]

Written comments can be sent to:
West Fraser Mills Ltd.   Attn.: Rob Ballinger
PO Box 97
100 Mile House, BC. V0K 2E0