Tim's story

I learned the business from the ground up, literally. 33 years ago, I started as a consulting forester doing field work 5 days a week. Moving through various positions in land management and eventually into timber marketing, investment management, and now in wood procurement. I can’t emphasize enough the need to learn about the entire business from planting the seedling to seeing the 2x4 lumber on the shelf at the store.
I received a Bachelor of Science in Forest Management at Clemson University and an MBA at the University of South Carolina.
What I like most about my job is the opportunity to get to know the teams at the West Region mills and to see the focus we put on being the low-cost producer of Southern Yellow Pine (SYP) lumber.
Whether it is land management foresters, loggers, wood buyers, or mill employees, just about everyone I have met cares about their job and cares about the forest resource that provides the raw material that makes our business run. The wood products industry has a long history of scientific, sustainable forest management. Even though West Fraser does not own any land in the US South, we still are strong stewards of the land by providing an important market for forest products that allow for the proper management to be implemented across the landscape.
Outside of work, I enjoy traveling, camping and hiking. My wife and I have had the chance to travel to some interesting places like Moscow and Antarctica. We have a goal to set foot in all the national parks west of the Mississippi.
- Tim Regional Procurement Manager
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