Logan's Career Story

I am a Mechanical Engineering student and I did my engineering co-op at Cariboo Pulp & Paper.

Until I started working at Cariboo Pulp & Paper, I had no exposure to the forestry industry.  My agricultural background coloured my views towards other industries, but my experience with West Fraser provided me with a healthy dose of perspective. The scale of operations present in a continuously-run facility is immense. My understanding of the forestry industry grew in likewise proportion.

While employed by West Fraser, I worked as a Reliability Engineering intern.  My responsibilities centered on identifying problem-prone or attention-deficit equipment and remedying their maintenance practices. The diversity of work in my co-op motivated me to approach these challenging tasks like a personal project rather than a chore. My hope is to apply these problem-solving and research skills in completing my engineering degree. After I complete my degree, the opportunity to return to West Fraser would be incredibly enticing. 

As an engineer, there are few other industries that will offer a spectrum of tasks that incorporate mechanical, electrical, chemical, structural, instrumentation and manufacturing engineering knowledge. Personally, the best aspect of working at West Fraser was the sense of community within the workplace. I could go boating with my supervisor on weekends and play soccer with members from other departments during the week. In trying to establish myself at West Fraser, I became a part of the community, which was an unexpected benefit. It is something that I will cherish and will actively seek in my future career.

- Logan Engineering co-op student at Cariboo Pulp & Paper

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